First network switch with integrated IEC 61850 protocol received UCA level A certificate.

The iGigaSwitch 1604E by Nexans Deutschland GmbH, Advanced Networking Solutions is the first network switch device with integrated IEC 61850 server and UCA level A certificate. It is using the libIEC61850 IEC 61850/MMS implementation and recently received its UCA level A certificate for edition 2 of the standard. IEC 61850 can be used to monitor and configure the proper operation of the device. This device is the next step to a substation using IEC 61850 as the only SCADA communication protocol.

5 thoughts on “First network switch with integrated IEC 61850 protocol received UCA level A certificate.

    1. Michael Zillgith Post author

      What is the problem with UTF-8? Running the examples on Linux I can see no problems with filenames containing UTF-8 encoded characters.


    On windows platform ,brows the GB2312,This file name which use use GB2312 chiness ,can not down load or browes.


    How cool you are!Error node to set value eg: right is led/$testsome/$var use bad led/$testsome/$varbad set to valude will crash !

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