I am happy to announce the lib60870 library for the implementation of the IEC 60870-5 standards based protocols. At the moment the library implements most parts of the standard IEC 60870-6-104. The library is released under the terms of the GPLv3 open-source license. Commercial licenses with fair and simple license conditions are available on request. The library contains two different implementations. One is written in C99 compliant C code and is intended to be used in embedded systems. The other is written in C#. Please find the source-code in the download section.
inerested of implementation
The library does not use the parameters: T1 and T3. The class “ConnectionParameters” has these parameters, but they are not used. Will you update the library to include the use of these parameters?
Yes. The implementation will be added soon.
Amazing job, Michael!
I have had errors while make the library for OS X. Please add
#include “lib60870_config.h”
to socket_bsd.h
#include “lib_memory.h”
and add libiec61850_platform_includes.h file to the archive.
Thank you!
Hi Pavel,
Thank you for the feedback.
I will fix it with the next release coming soon.